11-03-95 GDS7543 English Windows 3.1x Driver 2.10 --------------------------------------- Resolutions & Colors support ============================= 640x480x256 640x480x64k 640x480x16M 800x600x256 800x600x64k 1024x768x256 1024x768x64k (2 Meg video memory only) 1280x768x256 (2 Meg video memory only) New features from 2.00 to 2.10 ============================== -Use only one intallation disk for both English and foreign languages support. -Winmode help feature has been improved to be text sensitive. How to install 7543 Windows 3.1 Driver ====================================== Prior to installing these drivers, Make sure that Windows is using the VGA driver that was included with Windows. If Windows is using any other driver, reconfigure Windows using Setup from DOS or from within Windows. 1. Insert the 7543 Windows 3.1x Driver Installation diskette into A: or B:. 2. Run INSTALL.EXE on the diskette from Windows File Manager. 3. Follow instructions on screen to complete the installation process. 4. A WinMode program will pop up to ask user to select options. Select any desired choice to fit your preference. OS/2 2.1x Warning ================= If you are installing these windows drivers into WIN-OS/2 2.1x, at the end of this installation, a WinMode utility program will pop up to allow you to choose different colors and resolutions. MAKE SURE you select the "OS/2-Windows" option in the Operating System group. Testing Anomalies ================= The following items were discovered during testing against the test plan documented in the release notes: -In 16 million colors, open a DOS full screen, set to standard modes 0 and 1 and then press Alt-Enter, and Enter again, the display is corrupted. -With 800x600 DSTN panel, set to some standard video (ie. 0H,1H) in DOS full screen, Alt-Enter few times to toggle between PM and DOS full screen sometimes show few lines of big characters on screen or blank display. -With mouse trail on, puttng mouse on top of any video clip being played shows small square box following mouse cursor. PDR#3207 -Change resolution-on-the-fly (ROF) caused a GPF in PCTOOLS for Windows 2.0. - PDR 2564 -The screen pans beyond the edge of Windows PM w/ DSTN VGA panel after a few Alt-Enter in a DOS session. - PDR 1470 -Horizontal lines flash across the panel when switching between windowed DOS session and DOS full screen. - PDR 2436 -In TV display mode only, application name title is not shown while pressing Alt-Tab in DOS full screen. - PDR 2788 -DCI provider causes noise on CRT at high res. in some display mode when move to certain position on screen. Still investigating the HW. - PDR 2318 -In 16M colors mode, open a windowed DOS session then warm boot machine would corrupt screen but pressing Esc recover the screen image. -Windows 3.1x Install script for foreign languages still shows "Select a Group Window" in English toward the end of the install process. -If user choose "Skip" for icon setup toward the end of the install process in any foreign languages Windows 3.1 version, a message in English would pop up. Problem fixed ============== -Font cache size arrows not fully repainted in Winmode. -Using hot-key or Winmode to switch display sometimes causes foreign language Windows 3.1x to generate GPF or hang system. -After Windows 3.1 installation, a line entry that contains the path where Winmode.exe is installed is omitted in Winmode.ini. This causes the Autoexec.bat file not being updated if user chooses new monitor refresh rate. -Winmode changes refresh rate and reports the changes but the old refresh rate still remains. -Took out OS/2 2.1x warning message at the end of Windows 3.1 install so that English warning message doesn't show up in non-English Windows version. -From windowed DOS in 16M color mode, setmode 13 and hit enter to open to DOS full sceen corrupts screen. -In WinMode main Help screen, there should not be a 16 colors option. -With Panning/scrolling on in SimulSCAN, open DOS full screen and then switch to LCD followed by typing exit in DOS session, CRT display comes back. on- PDR 2595 -In 64k colors and mouse trail is on, open Paintbrush and click on color palette results in eratic mouse movement. PDR#3200 -In MS DCT test, Disptest test causes display to stretch out of screen in video mode 0,1,2,3 after Alt-Enter few times. - PDR 2792 -With both PaintBrush and PM maximized and mouse trail enabled, Alt-Tab few times cause jumpy mouse movement. - PDR 2840 -With mouse trail enabled, clicking on the title bar of the floating color palette, the area around the cursor does not fill the color in Micrografx Designer 4.0. PDR#2827 -Running Wintune 2.0 in 64k and 16M colors creates some vertical lines. -Run Lotus Notes' Organizer in 64k colors shows a vertical line. -Run Novell Netware setup during auto install, the text screen is out of sync in some notebook systems. -In some notebook systems, using 640x480x256 mode with panning/scrolling on, enter standby and then resume, the display only shows a cursor against a black screen. -In some notebook systems, using 640x480x256, 800x600x256, 1024x768x256 with panning enabled, switching display via hot-key causes panel screen blank out. -In some notebook systems with APM implementation and a CRT plugged in, do a suspend while in CRT only mode, then unplug the CRT and do a resume, LCD panel is not turned on. -Resume from suspend in some notebook systems causes the screen to blink twice. -In some notebook systems with APM implementation, open a DOS full screen and then do a suspend followed by resume causes the system to exit Windows to go to DOS directly. -While playing a video clip in position 0,1 (vertical column) in rev.BF, the film clip is distorted. -With Compcore SoftPEG playing a MPEG file in rev.BF, Ctrl-2 to zoom it to 2x video window and then double-click the title bar of the video window to maximize it. As a result the video shifts to right with garbage on the left side. Windows 3.1 driver limitation ============================= -Japanese and some Asian Windows 3.1x do not support change-res-on-fly. Changing a new resolution in Winmode will trigger Windows reboot. -Execute Change-res-on-fly and part of a dialogue box remains after importing Microsoft Windows Metafile (*.WMF) in Adobe Illustrator 4.0. This is a problem with application not knowing new res. has taken effect. PDR#2796 -Use Winmode to switch from low res. to high res with a file open in Adobe Illustrator 4.0, dragging the scroll bar outwards will leave image of the scroll bar. This is a problem with application not knowing new res. has taken effect. PDR#2821, PDR#2822 -Changing display mode or changing resolution-on-the-fly (ROF) sometimes results in an icon missing or distorted image on screen when AfterDark is loaded in the background. This is due to AfterDark application not compatible with some features in the driver. -Image is incompletely redrawn after switching from low resolution to high resolution and GPF warning usually occur in Adobe Illustrator 4.0. - PDR 2822 -After resolution-change-on-the-fly (ROF), user can not write letters in CIC Handwriter for Windows. -A GPF is generated when running Mediamatic Player in SimulSCAN with DSTN SVGA panel. This is a Mediamatic application issue. - PDR 1767 -Mediamatic MPEG Arcade Player shows color drop-off in video clip. This is a Mediamatic application issue. - PDR 2609 -Large font remains after switching back from TV to any non-TV display mode. This is by design because Windows characters look better in large font in TV and WinMode currently has no way to save the font size before the TV switch. The users just have to be made aware that they need to change back to small font if that is what they desire after switching back from TV mode. This can be accomplished by selecting the small font radio button before pressing OK from the main WinMode dialog- PDR 2732